Sugarcane Decaf - Colombia - Omni Roast
Sugarcane Decaf - Colombia - Omni Roast
What you will expect from the cup…
Papaya, Pomegranate, Elderflower Syrup
Some Information...
Region: Huila, Colombia
Variety: Pink Bourbon
Process: Caminonette Anoxic Natural Sugarcane Decaf
About the decaffeination process...
Green coffee is produced, delivered, sorted and prepared for processing. The coffee is received by Descafecol, a decaffeination plant in Manizales, Colombia.
Descafecol uses spring water form Navado el Ruis and ethyl acetate, a by-proudct of the fermentation of sugarcane. The green beans are steamed to increase the porosity and assist the decaffeination process. As the beans swell, the hydrolysis of caffeine begins, detaching caffeine from the salts it is bonded to within the bean.
The porous coffee is placed in a solution of water and the organically produced ethyl acetate. The solution bonds to the chlorogenic acid inside the beans and the caffeine is extracted. This process is repeated several times until at least 97% of the caffeine is gone. The beans are taken out of the solution and prepared for a final steaming, which removes the residual traces of ethyl acetate